More about Ivy Maeve
“Our individuality is all, all, that we have. There are those who barter it for security, those who repress it for what they believe is the betterment of the whole of society, but blessed in the twinkle of the morning star is the one who nurtures it and rides it, in grace, love and wit, from peculiar station to peculiar station along life’s bittersweet route.” Tom Robbins
Together, we’ll delve right in, forgetting about the outside world or taking the opportunity to uncover it, uncover me as my fingertips run up your back neck, as I enjoy discovering your sensitive areas and the kinds of imagery that makes you tick. What I can offer you - my warmth, serene deameour, compassion, an infectious laugh, a little spice and, a pair of healers hands that will melt your monkey mind away.
My mind is that of a sage, always curious, an optimistic realist. Stress isn’t something I feel so easily because I arm myself with humour, laughing off any conundrums and laughing at myself. It’s that British self deprecating humour and that stoic mindset. ;) I do believe that the energy you surround yourself with has a big impact on how you experience life, this is why I enjoy being a companion, because I can give you that burst of fresh air making you feel alive. Knowing how that feeling will ripple on out into the world, seeing you shift into a more fulfilled and content you really glimmers my soul awake.
Healer is a tricky word, I don’t want to kid you into believing that I am some kind of saint, some mother Theresa. Some of the best advice I was given is that, you can’t be too good, part of the life process is embracing our shadow to have a little jive with the devil on occasion. Being bad can be liberating, just as long as no-one gets hurt - so both of us will play out with underlaying mutual respect.
Years ago, I lay down some foundations starting with my studies, Philosophy and Psychology. Not that I even used my degree, but my passions burned strong and I ended up working freelance, learning to capitalise off what I love to do most. Like what I said about surrounding yourself with the right energies, I love to be around business minded, career driven individuals like yourself. Naturally, I am an unstructured personality sort, a highly creative, but I am looking for ways to become more grounded and strategic as the structured business mind never came so easily for a dreamer such as myself, I continue to develop this, perhaps you can give me a few tips.
A dreamer, but also an academic. Always reading, my horizon outstretched to the wildest corners, from physics to cooking, or geo politics to aliens. One of the best assets I have is my philosophical mindset, always able to remain on the fence playing around with ideas, not getting fully attached, which makes me a tremendous conversationalist, I listen to you. whatever your view with my full awareness and no judgment.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion” Albert Camus
Have you ever heard them say, it’s always the quiet ones who are the naughtiest and most sexual? For me, it doesn’t fall short from that truth. Born a natural introvert, my inner world always ran so deep, too deep that my imagination always got the better of me. A highly sensory body all for me to play with and explore. Enjoying alone time, I came to connect with myself, understanding the potential of my sensations, so when it came to intimacy with others I could really let go and enjoy myself, aware of what boundaries I could push. Though introverted, I’m fortunate enough to score extremely high in openess, making it easier to learn how to be more extraverted, this balance makes me a wonderful travel companion as I am so easily able to switch things up. Jumping up to the table to bring life to the party, or simmer down and give you space when you need it, allowing for you to relax as my intuition weighs up the much needed and deserved experience you are after.